Thursday, September 20, 2012


This video is of a four year old talking about how she likes everything. It's really adorable, and my initial reaction was to want to watch it again and again. But then I got thinking.When I was younger, I definitely liked stuff a lot more than I do now.

As we get older, we find a lot more to complain about and become more picky. I had some pretty traumatizing experiences as a 4 year old, and yet all I remember is lots of fun and good times. As my friends and I spent our time pretending that we were fairies, my baby brother was suffering from cancer.

I'd really love to get my younger perspective on life back, because these days I find myself making a lot of complaints. Wow, my nail polish is chipped UGH WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. Well, when I was four I would have been super excited that I was wearing nail polish and I probably would have been the coolest girl in preschool.

So often we look at the negative side of a situation instead of appreciating the fact that the situation even exists. It can be hard to look on the bright side because we just aren't used to it, but it's something I'm trying to do. I want to see the beauty in the world instead of the few unpleasant bits.

Think about Jessica, the little girl in the video. She starts off by saying that her whole house is great, and she can do anything good. Then she lists all the stuff she likes, including everything, her hair, her haircuts, and her whole house. Her sweet enthusiasm is really incredibly motivating. When I feel tired, I sometimes watch this video to get myself pumped up about life again.

So what I'm saying is this. Look on the bright side. Appreciate things like you would have when you were a toddler. I'm pretty sure we'd all be a lot happier with our lives if we did that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thumbs up for rock and roll!

Over the summer, I saw the cutest Youtube video. It's basically a kid saying that he believes in you and if you believe in yourself, you will know how to ride a bike.

I've spent a lot of time recently thinking about what the little boy in the video was saying. Believing in yourself can be a really hard thing to do, especially if you've already failed at whatever it is that you are trying to do. Trying new things can be pretty intimidating.

Right now I'm trying something new: cross country. I thought it was going to be the worst thing EVER, but it's actually pretty fun. Meets are stressful, but afterwards I always get this sense of accomplishment, especially if I've just gotten a good time.

There are definitely times that I wonder, "Why the heck am I doing this?" Well, it wasn't entirely my choice--my dad signed me up and told me later. I thought that I was going to die a slow, painful death. But I went running a lot over the summer, and when practice started I realized that it really wasn't that bad. Sure, it's tiring and it can get really hot sometimes, but in the end I have to admit that I'm in the best shape I've ever been in.

My only regret is that I didn't start cross country my freshman year. The truth is that before sophomore year, I was considering doing cross country. I just didn't think I would be able to--I didn't believe in myself. I was sure that I would be the slowest person and that I would be miserable.

The kid in the video starts off by saying "I feel happy of myself!" Well, after a good meet or even a good practice, I feel a bit "happy of myself." I'm happy that I did it. Happy I didn't give up. Happy I didn't quit, but instead gave cross country a chance.

Trying new things can end badly. But that doesn't always happen. It's better to try and have the possibility of failure, than to not do something and regret it. You just have to believe in yourself. If you think you're going to fail, chances are you will. Give something new a shot, and you might just surprise yourself by how fun or fulfilling it is.